My hobby is playing volley ball and reading informative books

Key elements of volleyball:

  1. Court: The standard volleyball court is rectangular, measuring 18 meters long and 9 meters wide. The net is placed at the center, dividing the court into two equal halves.


  2. Teams: Each team has six players on the court at any given time. There are also substitute players who can rotate into the game at specific positions.


  3. Serve: The game starts with a serve, where a player from one team sends the ball over the net to the other team. The serve is typically done by hitting the ball with an open hand from behind the baseline.


  4. Rally: After the serve, the teams engage in a rally, where they hit the ball back and forth trying to keep it off the ground.

  5. Three Hits: A team is allowed a maximum of three hits (in addition to the block) to return the ball to the other side. Common hits include the "bump" (forearm pass), the "set" (overhead pass), and the "spike" (powerful downward attack).

  6. Rotation: Players rotate positions in a clockwise manner after winning back the right to serve from the opposing team.

  7. Scoring: Points are awarded when a team successfully lands the ball on the opponent's court, or when the opposing team commits a violation or error. The first team to reach a set number of points (usually 25) with a two-point lead wins the set. Matches are typically played as best-of-five sets.

  8. Libero: The libero is a specialized defensive player allowed to replace back-row players without counting as a substitution. The libero wears a different color jersey and plays an essential role in the team's defensive strategies.


Volleyball is a fast-paced and physically demanding sport that requires teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking. It is played both indoors and outdoors, with beach volleyball being a popular variant of the game, played on sand with two players on each team. Volleyball is not only a competitive sport but also a recreational activity enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.

                        Reading Books

The hobby of reading books is a timeless and enriching pursuit that transports individuals to new worlds, expands their horizons, and nurtures the mind. In the pages of books, one can embark on adventures, delve into the depths of history, explore fantastical realms, and gain profound insights into the human condition.


Reading is a versatile hobby that accommodates a wide range of interests and preferences. Fictional works allow readers to empathize with diverse characters, experiencing their triumphs and struggles, and vicariously living through their experiences. It sparks imagination and creativity, as the mind paints vivid pictures of the stories being woven by the author's words.